Update some new information about the Omega 200W and 100W charger duo

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    Omega 200W and 100W from the startup company Chargeasap are a pair of outstanding fast chargers that have been sought after by many technology enthusiasts recently. With many new technologies and features integrated into a single charger, along with a large capacity that can handle all devices from mobile phones, tablets to laptops, this is a charger that is expected to make a strong impression on users after its official launch. However, due to some technical reasons as well as the covid-19 epidemic, the production and completion of the product was delayed longer than the company announced. Here, SiliconZ will bring some of the latest updates from the company about the Omega 200W and 100W chargers.

    Omega 200W

    The company is still collecting data from the previous test version to be able to complete and fix errors in the old version. According to some information from the company, the final test model is stable and if there are no problems in the production process, the entire Omega 200W charger will be mass produced next April and is expected to be shipped in May.

    However, according to some feedback from Korean users, their charger adapter cannot fit the plug at home because the plug size is significantly shorter than the EU standard version (0.8cm shorter). Therefore, the company has decided to give away an additional adapter with orders from Korea. The adapter will come in two colors, white and black, depending on the charger color that customers have pre-ordered, except for the Navy-Gold color on the 200W version, which will only have a black adapter.

    SiliconZ is currently receiving samples from ChargeAsap. We will get back to you soon on the quality of this version soon.

    Omega 100W

    According to the company's previous announcement, due to some technical reasons, during the production process, the MCU microcontroller supplier produced incorrect MCU parameters, resulting in the test sample products sent to dealers not matching the parameters previously announced by the company.

    Instead of producing a MCU microcontroller with a capacity of 65W+35W for port C when charging 2 devices at the same time, the manufacturer made the wrong model of 45W+45W. However, after surveying users, the company decided to re-order all MCU microcontrollers with 65W+35W instead of keeping the old set that was produced before.

    Note: Some customers have questions about the output power of the type-C port when charging only 1 device is 65W or 100W, according to the company's announcement, the maximum power is 100W, not 65W as some previous information.

    Regarding this issue, SiliconZ will support you again if you want to upgrade to 200W and deliver it to you as soon as possible.

    Charging parameters of Omega 100W charger are as follows:

    • C1 or C2: 100W
    • C1 + C2: 65W + 30W
    • C1 + A1: 65W + 22.5W
    • C2 + A1: 12W + 12W
    • A1: 22.5W
    • When 3 ports are used simultaneously: 65W + 12W + 12W

    That's all the latest information about the Omega 100W and 200W charger duo that SiliconZ wants to share with you. The latest information about Pre-order programs as well as news about outstanding startup products will be continuously updated by SiliconZ on the fanpage. SiliconZ .